LoopTas allows you to borrow a reusable and returnable bag for a small deposit at participating supermarkets. When you remember to bring your own bag on your next shopping trip, you earn valuable reuse points that can be exchanged for discounts or donated to charity.
Unlike other deposits that add a surcharge for plastic packaging (€0,10-€0,25), we charge a deposit equal to the selling price of the bag. When you return the bag, you get the full deposit back. This approach facilitates circular reuse of the bags, minimizing waste and promoting sustainability.
When you reuse a LoopTas bag, you earn Reuse Points. Simply open the LoopTas app and scan your bag's tag with your phone while at the supermarket.
LoopTas returnable bags are typically available for borrowing at participating supermarkets. Check out the LoopTas mobile app for information on reuse locations.
You can return the bag to any LoopTas partner supermarket, not necessarily the one where you purchased it. Find the LoopTas return box in the supermarket and follow the steps in the LoopTas app to return and get a refund.
Yes, you can transfer your deposit refund to your bank account through the LoopTas app.
No. When you return, we clean and disinfect for the next use.